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Elisa Valenti is a self-taught contemporary figurative painter based in New York. When we were introduced to Elisa’s art, we were instantly captivated by her work, which celebrates the beauty and power of real, voluptuous bodies. We are honored to curate Elisa’s art and her claim to focus on bodies that are underrepresented in modern, contemporary art, and to shout out: You are beautiful! Elisa grew up in a culture where body awareness and body positivity did not yet exist and appreciation was equated only with thinness. Still a difficult topic today, Elisa encourages us to embark on a journey of self-love every time through her art. Elisa’s paintings are reminiscent of a stylistic blend of Faubism and the Cubist color blocking. Voluptuous figures in bold colors stretch, twist, and luxuriate in a Fauvist dance across the canvas to honor their bodies. Adapting two iconic styles developed by men, Elisa turns the gaze inward. Each brushstroke that highlights the curve of a hip or a plump body part can be understood as an act of defiance – a celebration of radical worthiness. We thank Elisa very much for her support since the beginning of CURARE and appreciate very much that we found together. We hope that this can be a small contribution to a changing ideal of beauty. For us, beauty lies in diversity and that is what we stand for.

Thank you Elisa for the inspiring collaboration!

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